In January 2015, astronomers Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology announced, based on calculations and simulations, that there could be a giant planet lurking somewhere beyond Earth’s orbit.
According to a 2019 study, the Andromeda galaxy – Earth’s largest neighbor – has `swallowed` smaller galaxies for at least 10 billion years.
Neptune radiates more heat than it receives from the Sun: Neptune is far from Earth and scientists want to send a spacecraft here to explore soon.
Jupiter has more heavy elements than the Sun: The Sun and planets probably formed together from a cloud of helium and hydrogen.
The galaxy will have to swallow other galaxies or die.
Organic matter is quite common in the Solar System: While organic matter is very common on Earth, interestingly it is also present in many places in the Solar System.
The Little Cub galaxy located in the constellation Ursa Major is a dwarf galaxy that has been dormant since the Big Bang.
Saturn has a hexagonal storm: Saturn’s Northern Hemisphere has a violent six-sided storm called `The Hexagon`.
A moon orbiting another moon is called a moon’s moon (or moonmoon).
Most galaxies that scientists observe move away from Earth because the universe is expanding, but Messier is not like that.